"Transform Your Health: Organic Tea's Role in Weight Loss & Diabetes Prevention"


"Transform Your Health: Organic Tea's Role in Weight Loss & Diabetes Prevention"

If I tell you that there are four such natural herbs about which you do not know much, what amazing action they have, this is not just a game of words but it is the reality, how to use them, is there a trick behind it? Today I am going to share with you how it pulls in the protruding stomach, how it controls chronic insulin resistance, and how it breaks overall obesity. There are many supplements available in the market, and big claims are made that they reduce sugar. You will know after using it for a few weeks that it reduces weight.

It seems that they don't have any such effect. You leave the dispenser. There is no such thing here. Let's quickly start mentioning them one by one. At number one is cinnamon and cinnamon. It reduces insulin resistance instead of increasing the sugar in your blood. Keep floating, keep moving, keep doing harm, it is called hyperglycemia or if you get your blood tested then it shows increased sugar. Your fasting sugar is more than 100, more than 120, 124 is more than 25, you are diabetic, you are pre-diabetic. Now you can imagine that if this sugar keeps floating inside the blood then it will harm the body.

Sugar disease causes harm. Before getting cured, it will cause obesity. It will be stored in the form of fat in various places. The belly will appear inside the body. The overall body will expand and you will look ugly. The pills used in food are carbohydrates and are intoxicating. There is sugar, it has to be put to use, it has to be entered into the cells, for this do we need to increase insulin sensitivity, we have to reduce insulin resistance inside the body and remember that all those things, all those unique herbs which can reduce insulin resistance. it reduces obesity

It also breaks the sugar. You know that the most stubborn fat is belly fat, so this is your stomach inside which you can see layers of fat. On this part of the stomach, this is the inner one. The part that is on its side is your internal organs, like flour, liver, intestines, etc. So there is a layer of fat which is just below the skin of your stomach, it is called subcutaneous fat and this inner part which you can see is a thick layer of fat. This is called visceral fat and this is the infamous fat that does not melt. This is the fat that keeps humans from getting sugar and fat.

This layer that you can see in the middle is basically the abdominal muscles or which are commonly called abs, which you develop in the form of bodybuilders or body packs, which you develop in the form of six. We call it packs or it can be four or eight packs, it depends on how much effort you put in inside the gym. When I want something, I go here and there, and when things get complicated, then come back to our topic. What else does cinnamon do? It is anti-inflammatory, works as a soother inside the body, it is an antioxidant.

It repairs the damages that happen inside. It also works on your triglycerides. It controls the first spoiled child inside your lipid profile, which is called triglyceride. Remember that when your triglycerides increase, people often People's blood pressure starts getting high and they are in great trouble. Often they do not understand why their blood pressure medicines are not reducing their blood pressure. Actually, triglycerides are behind this. If it becomes high then the blood pressure is not under control. Even medicines can be controlled with difficulty.

Apart from this, cinnamon also strengthens the microbiota of your intestines and helps them. Next on the list is the fan of Greek fenugreek seeds. One who has type 2 diabetes, who has sugar disease and does not know about fenugreek seeds, has never used it, he is very He is a very ignorant person, in my view, it makes the life of the unbelievers easier. What does it do? It is the sugar present inside the intestines that you have taken through food, it stops it there and is responsible for it being digested. This creates a blockage so the sugar does not reach the bloodstream in sufficient quantities.

There is a compound inside it called the Four Hydroxy Isol Sun. It optimizes your insulin level. Fenugreek seeds are also an antioxidant. It is an anti-inflammatory agent. It will reduce sleep. It will repair the internal damages. It also reduces appetite. And it also improves gut health. Two hormones control your appetite, one is called grayling and the other is leptin, it regulates them due to which you eat less and provides you control over hunger. Along with this it also increases male hormones, so for men.

And it is even better, it is also better for women, it also improves their hormonal dysregulation, so you have to add these two herbs in the kahwa you want to make. Talking about the third one, all the weight loss herbs have their overall effects. The speech and body overlap, you have to mix the ingredients of all these herbs, make a cocktail and you have to drink the same. Some of these are in the form of crow, whose mechanism of action is different, so they provide you an extensive control. The fat has to be surrounded from the sides, it has the throat, it has to be burnt.

This is the purpose of doing this and this is a mistake. When insulin resistance decreases in the body, consider yourself obese. You have insulin resistance and obesity. You also know this insulin resistance. Everyone knows that it does not reduce so easily, so today we will reduce it. I am telling you the things. Stay with me, so what was the purpose? To attack the fat from many sides. Two things, I have already told you, the third one is being mentioned. Ginger, what does it do? So, to fill the void of the previous herbs which were leaving the void. So that becomes a brilliant come on so now you know what it does obviously.

It will work on insulin resistance. As soon as insulin resistance comes under control, obesity starts disappearing. Fat starts melting. There are two very powerful compounds inside it, one is called gingerol and the other is called shagal and what do these two compounds do inside the blood. After getting accumulated, the sugar present in the blood is sent to your muscles. Obviously, if you want strength in the muscles, then they send it towards its actual target, that is, it gives direction to the sugar present inside the blood as to where you have to go and where you are. Where are you needed to,

 It is an antioxidant, it is also anti-inflammatory, so all these things put together, you are in for a perfect attack on fat. It also increases glucose metabolism. It not only reduces your triglycerides but also LDL, which is bad cholesterol. It also reduces and those whose triglycerides and LDL are disturbed, they remain sick, their health remains very bad, they have big problems in their life, it also does something new, like I told you, some similar mechanisms overlap. Let's do some that are completely new to this.

There is also a thermogenic effect, which was not there in the past, it produces heat inside the body, here I am sharing a very interesting thing with you, if you remember, among the old medicines, some 10-12 years ago, this medicine was called Federi. It used to be used and there were often medicines for colds and coughs, you might have used it too. Perhaps there was a very famous ephedrine scandal in Pakistan, so it was added to the medicines for colds and coughs. As a bronchodilator, it used to open your respiratory tract and you We used to breathe easily but many people do not know that, If weight could be reduced by using Federi, athletes two to three decades ago used to misuse it to lose weight. These included both male and female athletes, hence it was banned in sports long ago.

Later, it was banned in sports. The pharmaceutical use was also banned, so how does it reduce weight? As mentioned, it has a very powerful thermogenic effect. It produces heat in the body and burns calories. Ginger also has the same effect but is less powerful than ephedrine. These burn your fats. Because the side effects of Federi are very bad.

Its use in medical science was also banned because it was causing anemia, people's blood pressure would shoot up, heartbeat would increase a lot, and people's heart rate would even reach 150-180 beats per minute. Beat started becoming popular among people and that is the reason why it was banned for some time. I had also made a video on it on my channel by the name of Joshanda. You can also watch it. All these details are present in it. Do check it out, I have given the link in the description. The Cava we have has cinnamon inside it.

Fenugreek seeds, ginger, and ginger are these three items, let's talk about the most important thing, how to make kava, take a piece of cinnamon, equal to 1 inch, you can take it, you can break it, you can grind it, one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and Take a small piece of ginger. Soak these three items overnight in one and a half glasses of water. You will not have to use it in the morning. When you wake up in the morning, the extract of all these items will have been incorporated into the water. Cook this water. Make Kahwa out of it then filter it and before drinking it add Hasbe Jai Libu juice and have it in the morning.

You have to drink it before breakfast. You have to use it regularly for three to four weeks. Those who have not lost their fat, those who have to control their uncontrolled sugar, this is for them. You have to use it daily without any hesitation. You have to make a promise to yourself. Will I or will I ban it? You have to do some more things along with this curry. You should not take more than one roti of Gandam daily. Pay attention to proteins. Use chicken. Dry grill the chicken. Mix salad in it and eat it with a spoon. Cold drinks. Stop sugar completely. Stop sugar completely.

All things are possible, people are doing it, it is very easy, the body has to be made half of this, if not more, then abstain for a month, after that, you will see its effect and when old clothes start looking good on you again, then definitely you will continue it. Now you will see, that walking 2 to 3 kilometers daily along with all the added things that I am telling you, it will make your body beautiful, you will find your body beautiful in the mirror, and people will stop you and ask what have you done, then if you Want to impress again, once upon a time you were beautiful, people praised you.

 If you used to do this then give them a surprise again. Restrict the bread for three to four weeks, give up sugar, give up cold drinks, walk two to three kilometers daily, and become slim again and start doing this from tomorrow by watching this video. Keep it in your family, share it with all the people who are obese or suffering from diabetes. You must send this to the people you love, and give a toast to a healthy person, many thanks for watching and listening, and see you again.


In conclusion, simple choices are often the first step on the path to better health. One of those decisions that has the power to change your life is to include organic tea in your daily routine. With its long history and numerous health benefits, this natural elixir offers more than just a soothing beverage. It helps you lose weight and prevent diabetes, assisting you in living a healthier, more balanced life. Pureness, quality, and a connection to nature are all advantages of choosing organic tea, which can also improve your overall health. Therefore, enjoy each cup with the knowledge that you are nourishing your body and taking proactive steps toward a healthier future. Take a moment to savor each cup. One sip at a time here's to transforming your health.
